
Dale L Shirbroun

07/07/1935 - 04/22/2020


Obituary For Dale L Shirbroun

Dale Shirbroun, age 84 of Perry, IA passed away Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at Banner Gateway Hospital in Gilbert, AZ. Services will be decided at a later date. Dale is survived by his wife Judy and two sons Randy Schirbroun and Mitch Shirbroun. Online condolences may be sent to

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  • 07/23/2020

    Judy, I have been wanting to send you a letter and, in searching for your address, I came across Dale's obituary. Please accept my condolences in your loss. May family, friends, and memories help ease the pain during this difficult time. Dale was such a lovely man and I always enjoyed the way his eyes would light up when he saw you. I don't believe the system accepted my maiden/married name (I did have a problem subscribing in order to leave a message). So, you know me as Kathi VanCleave. Much love to you and the family.

  • 05/20/2020

    Judy Richard & I are saddened to hear of the passing of Dale. We often think of our Mindshaft neighbors and how many perhaps for health reasons are no longer there. Richard has fond memories of the good peanut brittle Dale would bring him when you folks arrived for the winter season. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Richard & Lorraine Canada

  • 05/18/2020

    Judy, Karen and I are so sorry for Dale's passing on the day after we left GV for home in Seattle. It was such a pleasure kibitzing with you and Dale and the neighbors at your place on Mineshaft. We miss you and feel sad now that Dale won't be there again except in our hearts. 2020 has sure been a year of deaths for Americans. Karen's 85 year-old sister Fran died of congestive heart failure last week. We hope to see you again. Our deepest condolences to you and Randy and Mitch. Love, Steve and Karen

  • 05/09/2020

    Judy, Randy & MItch, We lost a gentleman & a scholar with Dale's passing. It was always a pleasure to be on the same job site with Dale! You're all in our thoughts & prayers. May God bless & keep you.

  • 05/09/2020

    Sorry to hear of Dale's passing. He (on vacation!) and Mitch painted the interior of my Bainbridge home. Ten colors! No complaints. My best to Judy and family and friends at this difficult time.

  • 05/07/2020

    Judy and family, I am so sorry to learn of Dale's passing. May you have many happy memories to help you through this difficult time. Sending condolences to all. Marcia Gardner DeWitt

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