
Edith Loraine Thompson

09/17/1931 - 12/29/2020


Obituary For Edith Loraine Thompson

For seventy years Charlie and Edith Thompson remained soulmates. When Charlie moved on to heaven on December 18, 2020, Edith’s heart went with him. Her body soon followed eleven days later on December 29, 2020. Charlie and Edith left behind a lifetime of memories with friends and family with notable connections to the American Legion, Elks Club, Lions Club, Red Hat Club and the communities of Minburn and Perry in which they lived and worked. They were also members of the United Methodist Church of Minburn for all 70 years of their marriage. In fact, they were the first marriage in the rebuilt church on September 3, 1950. Charlie served two years in the Army during the Korean War, but worked primarily in the trucking industry hauling fuel for the Minburn Cooperative Elevator as well as fuel & goods for Farmland Industries. Edith was a longtime bookkeeper and receptionist for Lauterbach Chevrolet in Perry before performing similar duties in semi-retirement for Stokely Lumber in Perry. Despite their unquestionable work ethic, they made time for as many family functions as possible. They had three generations of events to attend that included countless reunions, weddings, baptisms, confirmations, and graduations. Nothing made them prouder than the accomplishments of their descendants. They took special pride in the genuine friendships the entire family has forged through the years. After retirement, Charlie & Edith spent their winters in Mesa, Arizona and the rest of the year in Perry. They loved the change of seasons but felt they had seen enough snow to last them a lifetime! Plus, Valle de Oro in Mesa provided them with the perfect combination of the things they enjoyed the most… camping in their fifth wheel trailer, dancing under the stars, potluck meals and the dozens of friendships they forged there. Charlie and Edith were preceded in death by Charlie’s parents, Verle and Velma Thompson; Edith’s parents, Frank and Mary Housh; Charlie’s brother, Paul Thompson; and Edith’s brothers and sisters, Elsie Blauth, Pauline Benton, Bessie Smith, Carl Schnebly and Leo Hoffrogge. Left to carry on their legacy are their children, Michael Thompson, Teresa Thompson, and Ray (Erica) Thompson; Charlie’s brother and sister, Roger (Marie) Thompson and Carmen (Dick) Walgrave; and Edith’s sisters, Louise Erwin and Marie Dawson. They have eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren who will remember time with their grandparents fondly and miss them dearly. As they so frequently danced with us all, they will now be dancing in heaven looking down upon us with the same care and love as they held for us here on earth. An 11:00 a.m. memorial service for Charlie and Edith will be held Saturday, June 19, 2021 at Minburn United Methodist Church. Burial will follow at Elmwood Cemetery. A visitation will begin at 10:00 a.m. prior to the service. Contributions may be made to Minburn United Methodist Church in Charlie and Edith’s name. Murdock Funeral Home is in charge of services.

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  • 01/05/2021

    To Ray, Michael, Teresa, so sorry to hear of the loss of both parents,I know their happy spirits will be missed by friends and family. May God grant you the Grace to get through these difficult times.

  • 01/03/2021

    Edith was half of the perfect couple. She and Charlie had a long and happy marriage, raised a nice family and enjoyed life. I feel lucky to have had them for friends. My sympathy to their family.

  • 01/01/2021

    Wish sorry for your loss. What a delightful couple! I met them through my folks, as they were a part of their "Arizona Family." Two of the nicest people I've met. They will be missed

  • 12/31/2020

    It is with a broken heart that I send this message to Charlie and Edith Thompson's family. I loved them both, and have known them for almost 50 years. Charlie sent me such a sweet note on November 22nd, addressing to his Dear Old Friend. I don't know if they were ill yet, but I look back on that as maybe a goodbye note now that they are both gone. You were truly blessed to have them as parents, grandparents, great grandparents and extended family members. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  • 12/30/2020

    My condolences to the Thompson family! You are in my prayers! I'm so sorry for your loss!

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